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Desktop - 8.png

Aesthetics is a logo project for the area of aesthetic health.


Group 25.png
  • Method: Interview.

  • Place: Remote.

  • Duration: More than 1 hour.

  • Extracted data:


- Our words: Beauty, Competence, Personality and Extravagance.
- Our reference: Icons ” collection by artist Adriana Duque.
- Our motto is: “Enhance the beauty that already exists within you.”



Artist Adriana Duque - Icons

Mask group.png
Mask group (1).png

Adriana Duque's photographs bring both classic and contemporary elements simultaneously. Her compositions connote breaking of patterns and a strong personality.






The color popularly called “burgundy” is strong, but at the same time sober. It is elegant, and because it is a shade from the warm color family, it brings strength and personality, which has everything to do with the concepts behind the brand.


image 7.png
image 8.png

The shell with a pearl is the composition chosen to graphically synthesize the brand. The pearl is the only gemstone produced by an animal (oyster). These two elements together represent the brand's motto: “Enhance the beauty that already exists within you. The shell would represent the person. The pearl would represent beauty.

Pearls connote beauty and elegance, and if worn in large quantities, they can also represent extravagance.


Group 26 (7).png

The Museo Moderno font follows rectilinear movements, but in certain parts this pattern is broken with sharp curves or differentiated shapes. This mixture of the “contained” with the “rebel” brings the air of personality present in the brand.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxWwYyZz 0123456789 !_#$%¨&_()_+[].png


After the research and study process, it was decided to use the shell with a highlighted pearl as a graphic mark. See below the process of creating the digital design:

First versions:

Final version:

Group 37.png

In the final version the pearl was accentuated with an inner curve. The shell has a less prominent color to use as a background. The font has also been updated for Museo Moderno.


Group 24.png
Group 23.png


LOGO1 2.png
LOGO1 3.png
LOGO1 1.png


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